Monday, July 23, 2018

Sissy Motivation: It's All in the Pose

Been wanting to do a series like this for some time now. It's supposed to be like a mini motivational speech about a specific topic of crossdressing or 'sissyness'. Kinda like the ones scattered across Tumblr, but with a bit more meat, *ahem* no pun intended hehe. So here's for trying to implement Motivational Mondays!

Also, I wanted to thank Gym Bunny Candie for the inspiration for moving along with this. I've been reading her captions for a while now and been truly inspired to improve my feminine physical fitness in the most girly way possible because of them. Her captions are the perfect level of realistic and positive that I prefer, staying away from the negative sides of sissyness, though I tend to dip into such material from time to time lol. Thanks Candie, love ya!!!

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